AuthLN is a patented Proof-of-Work cyber-power projection platform that imposes real-world physical costs on unauthorized actions.

AuthLN offers Instant, Immutable Settlement, with No Counterparty Fees.

“The first country that recognizes this function will be the new Global Superpower.”

— Robert F. Kennedy

This powerful statement was made in reference to the core concepts presented in Major Jason Lowery’s MIT thesis, Softwar, which serves as the foundation for AuthLN.

The Cyber Problem

It costs a hacker nothing to attack.

Cybercrime is Growing

If measured as a country, cybercrime would be the 3rd largest global economy.

No Legal Defense

Cyber criminals face very few legal repercussions

Organization Cost-Center

For Organizations, cybersecurity is a cost-center.

Monetized Protection

AuthLN shifts the risk profile away from the network and onto the attacker.

Additional Revenue

Cybersecurity is no longer a cost-center, but a revenue stream.

Proactive Security

Transform your cybersecurity posture from reactive to proactive

Reduce Insurance Premiums

Hardens your target and reduces risk beyond MFA.

AuthLN Solutions:

  • AuthLN is layered solution to existing IAM requiring unauthorized users purchase and stake a PoW Access Key.

  • Challenges the intent of unauthorized users by requiring a physical cost per attempt, via PoW Access Key.

  • AuthLN guards Authorized Users against Cybercriminals, Hackers, Phishers, and State-Sponsored Actors attempting to use compromised credentials.

Access Management

Session Management

  • AuthLN is layered solution to existing IAM requiring authorized users purchase and stake a PoW Access Key to comply with policy their session duration.

  • Enforce site policy during authenticated session.

  • AuthLN safeguards site policy for Authorized Users against Bots, Spammers, and Insiders.

Identify Verification

  • AuthLN is layered solution to existing IAM identify authorized users to their PoW Access Key.

  • Verifies the user against compromised credentials requiring a cryptographic validation between PoW Access Key leveraged for authentication.

  • AuthLN safeguards Authorized Users against Cybercriminals, Hackers, Phishers, and State-Sponsored Actors attempting to use compromised credentials.

Get in touch.

If you’re interested in learning how AuthLN can transform your cybersecurity from reactive to proactive, please contact us.