Impose Prohibitive Costs on Unauthorized Activity

Enter your organization’s information and see your Monetized Protection.

See FAQ Section below for additional information.


Proof-of-Work Keys

  • PoW stands for Proof-of-Work.

    Proof-of-Work (PoW) is a consensus mechanism used in blockchain technology to validate transactions and secure the network. It requires participants, known as miners, to solve complex mathematical puzzles, ensuring that only valid transactions are added to the blockchain. This process is computationally intensive and designed to prevent fraud and double-spending.

  • We provide the Proof-of-Work (PoW) key. Because the PoW key has real value, AuthLN charges a very small annual fee to lease these keys from us. This fee is insignificant compared to the coverage and value it provides.

  • No, authorized users do not have to pay for the PoW Keys. We provide the necessary PoW Keys, and they are valid indefinitely.

  • No problem. A user will simply request a new key and attempt their login again. It's seamless and instant.

    It’s very similar to how current Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) processes work when a login attempt fails.

  • We want to be upfront with you: our PoW Keys are essentially Bitcoin. And, by design, the Bitcoin Network is a designed to require zero-trust.

    We recognize that the term “Bitcoin” can evoke strong reactions, so we chose to focus on the problem and solution before introducing the term. To us, Bitcoin is a technology layer that holds measured financial value.

    Not only is Bitcoin measured, but it is also a scarce digital resource, backed by an immense amount of energy—more than all global superpowers combined could physically produce. This energy is decentralized, with miners incentivized to keep the network running by continuously mining blocks.

    Bitcoin is resistant to interference from nation-states, corporations, and even criminal entities. There will never be another blockchain quite like it, which is precisely why we chose it: It’s the only blockchain that truly offers Zero-Trust.

  • Instant. Immutable. Final Settlement.

Capital Capture

  • The Captured Capital feature tracks and displays the staked value associated with each unauthorized attempt, providing a clear view of the financial impact.

    Note: AuthLN is a trustless, proof-of-work platform where users pre-validate their authenticity by staking a financial value, making it immune to fraud. This mechanism significantly reduces unauthorized activity by imposing a cost on each attempt.

  • Congratulations! You are now Sovereign.

    Run your online operations in peace.

  • When you sign up with AuthLN, each user is provided with their own application. This can be our standalone application, or AuthLN can be integrated with your existing IAM system.

    A user initiates login as usual, but before authentication, AuthLN adds an additional layer—a small invoice that the user needs to pay. The user’s application is preloaded with the necessary PoW Key to fulfill the invoice, allowing the transaction and authentication to occur in a single, seamless motion. This provides a more user-friendly experience compared to traditional Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).

  • In your dashboard, you will see all the captured value as it adds up. Once captured, it will never leave.

    At the end of your contract, you can cash out the captured value, or apply it to your next contract.