Cybersecurity has a flaw.

Bad actors in cyberspace have the advantage of time and they know service providers have limited ability to stop them.

Even the most advanced logical constraints are still based on logic and do not solve the cyber problem.

Physical Security in Digital Space.

AuthLN empowers service providers to define boundaries and uphold policy through the use of physical force to restrict and control access.

The condition? They have to pay for the right. Not only pay, but switch their money for Proof-of-Work Key and then bet that key.

Calculate how this impacts your cybersecurity costs.

AuthLN Platform Solutions:

Access Management

  • AuthLN is layered solution to existing IAM requiring unauthorized users purchase and stake a PoW Access Key.

  • Challenges the intent of unauthorized users by requiring a physical cost per attempt, via PoW Access Key.

  • AuthLN guards against Unauthorized Users, Cybercriminals, Hackers, Phishers, State-Sponsored Actors.

Session Management

  • AuthLN is layered solution to existing IAM requiring authorized users purchase and stake a PoW Access Key to comply with policy their session duration.

  • Enforce site policy during authenticated session.

  • AuthLN safeguards site policy for Authorized Users against Bots, Spammers, and Insiders.